Home Whiplash Bogus Whiplash Claims Cost Every Driver

Bogus Whiplash Claims Cost Every Driver

Bogus Whiplash Claims Cost Every Driver

Bogus Whiplash Claims Cost Every Driver

Whiplash is a common injury that occurs when a person’s head is suddenly jerked forward and backward. It often happens in car accidents, and symptoms can range from mild discomfort to severe pain and even long-term disability. Unfortunately, whiplash claims have become a significant problem in the UK, with fraudulent claims costing honest drivers millions of pounds each year. In this article, we’ll explore how bogus whiplash claims are affecting every driver and what can be done to combat this issue.

What is a Bogus Whiplash Claim?

A bogus whiplash claim is a fraudulent attempt to claim compensation for an injury that does not exist or is exaggerated. A dishonest individual may fake an injury or exaggerate symptoms to receive compensation, which can range from a few hundred to several thousand pounds. These claims can be costly not only to insurance companies but also to honest drivers who end up paying higher premiums as a result.

The Cost of Bogus Whiplash Claims

Bogus whiplash claims have become a significant problem in the UK, costing insurance companies millions of pounds each year. These costs are then passed on to honest drivers in the form of higher premiums. According to the Association of British Insurers (ABI), whiplash claims add an average of £90 to every car insurance policy in the UK. This means that honest drivers are paying for the fraudulent actions of a few individuals.

How to Spot a Bogus Whiplash Claim

Insurance companies have become more vigilant in detecting bogus whiplash claims, but it still helps to know what to look out for. Some signs of a bogus whiplash claim include:

• A delay in reporting the injury.
• Inconsistencies in the claimant’s story.
• Lack of evidence, such as medical records or witness statements.
• Exaggerated symptoms that do not match the severity of the accident.

What Can be Done to Combat Bogus Whiplash Claims?

To combat bogus whiplash claims, insurance companies are working alongside the government to introduce tougher regulations and penalties for those caught making fraudulent claims. The Civil Liability Act, which came into force in April 2021, introduced a ban on pre-medical offers for whiplash claims to prevent fraudsters from profiting from bogus claims. Additionally, new rules require claimants to provide a medical report from an accredited expert before they can receive compensation.


Bogus whiplash claims are a problem that affects every driver in the UK. They cost millions of pounds each year and result in higher insurance premiums for honest drivers. However, by being aware of the signs of a bogus claim and supporting new regulations, we can combat this issue together. Remember, the vast majority of whiplash claims are genuine, and those who need support and compensation deserve it. Let’s work together to stamp out fraudulent claims and protect honest drivers.

Thousands of whiplash claims are adding over 90 Euros to the average car insurance policy, despite a significant drop in the number of traffic accidents.

These damming figures show the scale of a £2-billion-a year “whiplash epidemic”, with claims up by over one third in three years, despite a 16% drop in the accident rate.

Over 25% of the 600,000 whiplash claims filed each year are spurious or “over-diagnosed”, according to several British surveys. Insurance agencies claim that some doctors and lawyers are attempting to the scam the system as a result of the financial incentive to file and subsequently approve claims.

The £90 increase in individual insurance policies compares to the general £30 or £40 added because of other frauds. Studies have also revealed that for every accident notified to the police, 2.7 whiplash claims—on average—are filed.